Hathway Internet India Ltd has quite a reputation when it comes to providing outstanding Broadband solutions, well if youve ever used it you will smell the sarcasm here. What I find even more shocking is their absolute lack of concern for customer relations. Though obviously occasionallly they manage to crack us up with witty replies and remarks which can best be used as fodder for blog posts like these.
On one such occasion, after giving enough consideration to the technical flaws that may arise out of the unpredictability associated with word wide internet, we made a call to our esteemed service providers.
Me : Hello
Hathway : Hello, hatway unlimited broadband, how may i help you.
Me: Dear sir, our internet conncetion has not been working from three days, can you fix it up once and for all.
Hathway: Let me know your credentials.
After checking the details.
Hathway: No sir, you are misinformed, your internet is working absolutely fine.
Me : what are you talking about.
Hathway: There is no problem with your internet connection.
Me: Excuse me, I am the one using it, dont you think I'll have a better idea about its status.
Hathway: You are checking it the wrong way, conncet the cable to your PC and then check.
Me: Ahh, right, you think I am crazy enough to call you up without connecting it to the PC ?
Hathway: I didnt mean that, but cant rule out the possibility either.
Me: What ?
Hathway: Alright, I think it is an issue with your PC.
Me: Right, there's no problem in connecting 2 PC's over LAN.
Hathway: Lan is different from internet.
Me: Ok, and what is the difference, as far as connectivity is concerned.
Hathway : You recieve packets from internet and exchange files over LAN.
Me : Really, and files are different from packets.
Hathway : Very different, a packet usually contains several files.
Me: alright sir, I've had enough about your Tech Insult, we have tried connceting the net through 3 different PC's, it doesnt work on any.
Hathway : In that case, all 3 PC's have problems.
Me: Oh really, so what are we supposed to do about it, since our PCs dont work should we change our connection.
Hathway : No sir, change your Pcs.
Me: Speechless.
Me: Alright: it was great talking to you, will get back to you after changing my PC.
Not to mention, the internet miraculously started working after an hour, obviously on an on and off basis, on usually as the payment date approaches .